MY YEAR — 2023

My best year yet

Hinesh Padhiar
6 min readJan 3, 2024
Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash

At the end of 2022, I found myself unaware of the challenges and triumphs that the coming year held. While I had clear aspirations, I couldn’t anticipate the obstacles that would test my resolve.

Every year, I like to craft a list of goals to fuel my motivation for a successful journey ahead. I had a successful year in 2021 which my primary focus was to do things that scared me — I coined it “The year of no fear”. In 2022, it was my year of credibility — my focus leaned heavily on my career in a new job within a dynamic department.

Unfortunately, this intense professional focus resulted in neglecting other crucial areas of my life, affecting my health, lifestyle, relationships, and personal development. Many people, like myself, neglect a balanced life which tends to accumulate and build up before you come to the realization of its effects on your happiness and fulfillment.

2023 marked my deliberate shift towards a more balanced approach. 23 is the number that LeBron James wears — one of the greatest basketball players of our generation. What makes LeBron so great is his versatility and the ability to contribute in all areas of the game. Inspired by the numerical connection, 2023 was my year of balance. That being said, here is a breakdown of my yearly recap for each of the 8 life areas, what lessons I learned along the way, and how I plan to approach 2024.


Staying in Washington, DC, became a defining change in my lifestyle. Creating my own customized space allowed for increased creativity and positively impacted other life areas. The year brought opportunities for diverse experiences, from exploring local cuisine to solo traveling to different countries since I was in close proximity to multiple international airports.

I came to the realization that being in the right physical environment that aligns with my goals was paramount to my fulfillment and success in achieving my goals. Being in close proximity to all the things I wanted and loved allowed me to achieve the work life balance I was seeking.

For 2024, I aim to continue embracing new experiences through frequent international travel, specifically exploring wonders of the world and gaining insights through guided tours.

Health and Wellness

Health had been a slippery slope, but in 2023, I embraced challenges that pushed me to be better. I have come to realize, that my health goals require an objective. Without an objective, I do not enjoy working out. From training for a half marathon to undertaking the 75 Hard challenge, consistency in workouts and healthy eating habits became a priority.

One of the greatest lessons I learned about my health is to listen to my body. It is far too easy to be guided by emotions and snack while watching TV which increases caloric intake, or to feel pain but want to keep going to meet the quota for the day. By listening to my body and taking breaks when I needed them, I could have prevented several Physical Therapy sessions. I also could of lost weight a lot quicker if I ate mindfully and not chow down when I was bored or watching something.

Recognizing how my mind works for achieving goals, I plan to take on more challenges in 2024 that encourages me to train hard towards a periodic goals so there is something to work towards each time.

Wealth and Finance

Despite higher than usual expenses in 2023, I was satisfied with where my money was going — through experiences like fine dining and travel. I do not regret any of the financial decisions I made as the experiences made me happier, fulfilled, and allowed me to grow.

That being said, I would like 2024 to be become a better investor. Having lived frugally, I now have enough savings to consider future investments. I aim to figure out an investment strategy that works for me, and create a budget or “side pot” for expenses I know I will need for my 2024 endeavors.


A mid-year promotion and a shift in management defined my career in 2023. Expressing my interest in becoming a TPM (Technical Program Manager) resulted in tasks aligning with my aspirations. I also pursued and completed an affordable MBA, which added a layer of business knowledge, making strategizing at work more challenging and exciting.

The greatest lesson I learned for my career this year was how to become an effective program manager using JIRA. Using online learning, I was able to figure out how to better conduct meetings, retrospectives, and become a better leader for my peers.

This year, I have a lot on my to-do list for work in order to build and improve on the functions of my department. I want to build upon the lessons I learned in 2023 and have a higher focus on becoming a better presenter of information. Communication skills and presentation skills are my biggest priority for this life area.


I decided to deviate from my passions this year in order to figure out Amazon FBA and sell a product based on numerical data. I decided to sell Necklaces for women online targeting sales for Mothers Day and Valentines. It did not go as planned and I ended up with sunk costs and hundreds of necklaces in my basement.

Despite challenges and a shift in plans, the experience reinforced the importance of finding passion in business endeavors. Creating a product I did not care about in order to turn a profit was not enjoyable. Even if my product had done well, I do not think the journey was fulfilling enough to take away from time that could be spent on other pursuits.

In 2024, I plan to repurpose existing creations and explore avenues like writing articles on medium, life coaching, and potentially a workbook similar to my life journal.

Personal Development

Personal development took a central role in my yearly focus. Through books, online courses, and self-awareness practices, I broadened my knowledge in each of the life areas. Rather than going to a library, I purchased books and built my own. I also kept an almost consistent journal practice, found areas of improvement to work towards improving, and executed on my goals in the other life areas.

For the upcoming year, communication and writing skills will be a key focus to overcome challenges in connecting with others, conducting meetings at work as a TPM rather than an Engineer, and create more written content that I can refer back to if I ever lose myself.

Spiritual Development

Religion has always been difficult for me to grasp, because I believe in scientific logic over faith. For me, this life area is mainly around my fascination with science and meditation. Despite lapses in daily practice, a meditation course provided an enlightening experience. I also found that stretching and walking, when coupled with mindfulness, worked just as well at staying present and living in the moment.

I also spent most Saturdays volunteering and giving back to the community. Placing my time and effort on someone else’s success provided me with a sense of fulfillment that I could not obtain from achieving my own goals. Volunteering is a win/win situation and if there are more opportunities to volunteer, I will not hesitate to pursue.

For 2024, building a consistent meditation habit is a goal.


There were several deeper relationships formed this year. I appreciated my roommates who kept me accountable. Watching them manage their own health, be disciplined in their foundations, and taking spontaneous adventures taught me how to live life a little bit differently than I imagined.

Several new relationships and connections were made during my solo travels which pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to unlock the extrovert that was present within me pre-Covid. While a close relationship came to an end, the lessons on self-improvement and understanding my shortcomings were invaluable.

In 2024, connecting with my parents and understanding their life journey takes precedence.

Final Notes

In conclusion, 2023 was a remarkably balanced year, marked by intentional efforts to excel in each life area. I believe that every year should be as balanced as this year.

This post did not dive in depth the challenges I faced and how I overcame heartbreak — those are saved for future articles I write. Obstacles will always arise and painful events are inevitable, but having a balanced life reminded me that it is not the end of the world and to push through hard times by focusing on all the other areas my life has to offer.

It may have been difficult to find a takeaway in this article, because everything was about me and my experience and not with clear steps on how it can help you. But the overarching takeaway is this: find a way to live a balanced life by setting multiple goals for each life area and you will become resilient to unexpected events that impact one area.



Hinesh Padhiar

My goal is to provide you with tools, hope, and encouragement by detailing my experiences and lessons learned as a young ambitious adult. Posting 2x a month!